Environmental issues extend beyond “smokestack” industries. Today, environmental laws and regulations have a significant impact on the operations of retail shopping centers, commercial business parks, dry cleaners, food service facilities, vehicle service facilities, print shops, and many other types of commercial and retail businesses. Commercial practices are bringing environmental risks to the forefront.
Both landlords and tenants, and their lenders, frequently require environmental assessments as a precondition to closing a new lease or loan. The exposure to building owners and operators can be significant, as these parties may incur liability for the unauthorized acts of tenants and guests. Yet, typical commercial insurance policies exclude coverage for environmental risks.
Our attorneys have extensive experience in helping commercial and retail enterprises effectively manage environmental issues in business transactions, operations, and litigation.
We invite you to contact one of our attorneys to discuss how we might assist you in addressing any environmental challenges or opportunities that impact your company’s interests.
Copyright © 2002 Guida, Slavich & Flores, P.C. | Principal office in Dallas, TX